FILMS : Lynn Loo & Guy Sherwin.
ALUD ! #2 programa un foco especial a los cineastas GUY SHERWIN & LYNN LOO mostrando varias de sus performances y películas. Sobre sus films, les dedicamos un doble programa , donde podremos ver una selección de sus películas.
Esta doble sesión BLITZ:44 Lynn Loo & Guy Sherwin, y sus dos programas de performances de cine expandido se ha realizado gracias a la colaboración Crater-Lab & ZUMZEIG Cinemacoop. + info:
Miércoles 2 Noviembre
Session 1: Lynn Loo (8:00 pm
AUTUMN FOG 2016. 2x 16mm film projection. colour. silent. UK. 12-15min.
The camera is still as it captures the slight movements of sunlight on autumn colours in my garden. I fog the film by opening the lid of the Bolex camera, resulting in brief fluctuations of colour. The camera negative and its print are projected together and combined on screen through live manipulations by the projectionist.
This performance forms part of research into archiving expanded cinema run by Louise Curham:

UNFINISHED SYMPHONY 2001. video. colour. sound. Singapore/Chicago. 12min.
One of my earliest films, shot when I was between places. Images were loosely collected using a Bolex 16mm and a Nizo super-8 camera. Without dialogue, the images and sounds are put together with the intention of making a personal essay.

FORLORN 2003. video. colour. silent. Chicago. 3min.
Filmed on the roof of my apartment in Chicago. Trying to understand movements, meanings and shapes in the landscape and within the screen. Only after I moved to London in 2004 did I realize that the film may be a link to my subsequent involvement in expanded cinema.

A SOLDIER ON LEAVE TRAVELING HOME 2004/6. video. colour. sound. Taiwan/UK 6min.
Our traveling companion on a long train ride from Hualian to Taipei in Taiwan. A young man sitting by a propped open train door, watching the passing landscape, on his way home for a break from training.

CONVERSATIONS 2021-. video. colour. sound. UK. 22min.
There is much to explore in digital film as well as in physical film. This work is a conversation between myself and my ongoing collection of videos and sounds and a search into understanding my place in this world of digital video.

Session 2: Guy Sherwin (10:00 pm)
ANIMAL STUDIES selection 1998-2022- / 16mm & digital / b/w & col / silent & sound. 25min
A study of animals (mostly small) and how to make sense of them filmically. It’s an open-ended series of short films in which the medium undergoes a change from analogue to digital, reflecting the long time-span over which the films were made. The central idea is of a single take determining each film’s direction.
UNDER THE FREEWAY 1995 / 16mm / colour / sound / 16minUnder the Freeway was filmed while staying in a San Francisco apartment close to Freeway 101 as it crosses into the city. The grid layout of the busy streets beneath the freeway provides the key to the film’s eventual structure.

CONNEMARA 1980 / 16mm / colour / sound / 30min
Connemara was made on a short visit to rural Ireland. In some ways it’s a reflection on time; time as evident in the landscape, in the way the film is organised, and as an experience of viewing.
The film was restored in 2011 by the Eye Institute Amsterdam: Connemara: a film unseen